Neural oscillations during motor imagery of complex gait: an HdEEG study.

TitleNeural oscillations during motor imagery of complex gait: an HdEEG study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsPutzolu, M, Samogin, J, Cosentino, C, Mezzarobba, S, Bonassi, G, Lagravinese, G, Vato, A, Mantini, D, Avanzino, L, Pelosin, E
JournalSci Rep
Date Published03/2022
KeywordsBrain, Electroencephalography, Gait, Humans, Imagery, Psychotherapy, Imagination, Walking

The aim of this study was to investigate differences between usual and complex gait motor imagery (MI) task in healthy subjects using high-density electroencephalography (hdEEG) with a MI protocol. We characterized the spatial distribution of α- and β-bands oscillations extracted from hdEEG signals recorded during MI of usual walking (UW) and walking by avoiding an obstacle (Dual-Task, DT). We applied a source localization algorithm to brain regions selected from a large cortical-subcortical network, and then we analyzed α and β bands Event-Related Desynchronizations (ERDs). Nineteen healthy subjects visually imagined walking on a path with (DT) and without (UW) obstacles. Results showed in both gait MI tasks, α- and β-band ERDs in a large cortical-subcortical network encompassing mostly frontal and parietal regions. In most of the regions, we found α- and β-band ERDs in the DT compared with the UW condition. Finally, in the β band, significant correlations emerged between ERDs and scores in imagery ability tests. Overall we detected MI gait-related α- and β-band oscillations in cortical and subcortical areas and significant differences between UW and DT MI conditions. A better understanding of gait neural correlates may lead to a better knowledge of pathophysiology of gait disturbances in neurological diseases.

Alternate JournalSci Rep
PubMed ID35279682
PubMed Central IDPMC8918338
Grant ListP41 EB018783 / EB / NIBIB NIH HHS / United States

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