Our next seminar will be a talk by Prof. Carolee Winstein, Director of the Motor Behavior and the Neurorehabilitation Laboratory, University of Southern California, LA.
She will be speaking about their latest research on visuomotor learning. Attached is an abstract she would like to share to get us thinking!
Date and Time: Tuesday July 20th, 11:00 am EST/ 10:00 am CST / 8:00 am PST
Zoom Meeting Link: https://neurotechcenter-org.zoom.us/j/98581112646?pwd=ajJkOEtOMHBEbzlqel...
Meeting ID: 985 8111 2646 Passcode: NCAN
All are welcome to stay back after the talk for an informal discussion with Dr. Winstein.
Please note: The talk will be recorded, consent to be recorded will be assumed for all participants.