Summer Workshop 2024

Preclinical Chronic EMG Recording Methodology

National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies
Stratton VA Medical Center
Albany, NY

The National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies (NCAN) is pleased to announce its upcoming course on “Preclinical Chronic EMG Recording Methodology” to be held at the Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, NY. This hybrid course includes presentation of pre-recorded video lectures followed by an in-person five-day workshop on July 8-12, 2024.

Chronic recording methodology

Electromyographic activity (EMG) is the most commonly used tool for assessing the motor output of the CNS. EMG recorded from animals can be adversely affected by anesthesia, restraint, or repeated handling associated with longitudinal studies. NCAN has developed chronic implantation methodologies for long-term peripheral and central nervous system stimulation and EMG recording in rats. Along with our freely-available Elizan software for multi-animal data recording with real-time feedback (based on BCI2000, NCAN’s general-purpose data acquisition software platform), this technology permits 24/7 recording of spontaneous and evoked EMG in tethered, but freely moving rats.

Course Design and Organization

The course begins with a series of on-demand video lectures on neurotechnology topics including motor control by brain and spinal cord, electrical activity and stimulation, computer hardware and software, and principles of adaptive neurotechnologies.

The in-person workshop provides training in the surgical techniques, animal care, and hardware and software needed to perform 24/7 recordings of EMG in freely moving rats. Students will: learn about aseptic surgical techniques, pre- and post-op animal care; observe demonstrations of and then practice performing surgery for implantation of chronic stimulation and recording electrodes in cadaver rats; practice setting up the recording hardware; learn how to use NCAN’s Elizan software to collect and analyze data from experiments with real-time feedback (e.g., operant conditioning); observe and analyze data from demonstrations of rats performing horizontal ladder and treadmill walking with motion capture.

The workshop is limited to eight participants. Modestly priced housing is available in a nearby college dormitory. Workshop participants are responsible for their own transportation, housing, and food. Registration will open soon (check back on this page for the link to the application form). For additional information, email us at

Who should apply?

Early to mid-career scientists, engineers, or clinicians, e.g., junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, clinical residents or fellows, advanced graduate or medical students.

Apply for workshop using this link.

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